Combined stories about our own country

Once upon a time, there was a fisherman that lived in the woods near a castle with a big pond around it. He was happy because the pond provided him with everything he needed for himself and his family. Even though he didn't cared a lot about money, he earned form time to time some silver pieces.

There was something special about the pond though, not only was it, the passage to the other part of the country, it was also guarded by a giant called Draon Antigonus. He watches over the pond, from inside of his castle. He could overlook everything and discover everyone who wanted to reach the other side. If people wanted to cross the pond, they need to pay a heavy toll, their hand. So everyone was scared of the giant. No one tried to even cross the pond anymore so there were no hands cutting off anymore. That is why the fisherman lost his job because there were no hands anymore which he had to pick up.

Deeply dissapointed, the fisherman went home. When he came home, he found out that his house was burned down. He didn’t only lost his house but also his wife and kids. The next following months, he was desperate. He had no job, no money, no house, no wife and no kids. He felt lonely and sad.

One day, a man called Brabo wanted to cross the pond and was determined to stop this giant so that the passage over the pond was free. When Brabo arrived, the giant was making fun out of him.
But before he realized what happened, Antigonus his right hand was laying down, shopped off, in the grass. The giant screamed out of pain and the tower sank on its foundations. But it wasn’t over yet. The giant tried to pull the sword out of the ground with his left hand. He had to bent deeply towards the ground. But again, the Roman was too fast. He grabbed the weapon with both hands and knocked the giant in the neck. The giant head was chopped of and flew into the river, the Schelde.

Brabo saw the fisherman and felt sorry for him. Brabo offered him a job as the right hand of the king. Brabo became king of Antwerpen, and gave the fisherman a ring as a symbol of loyalty.
Brabo and his men built houses in the new village and the fisherman got a new house and found himself a new wife.


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