Final Survey

Digital storytelling

As a future teacher, it was pretty obvious that I would choose this course. But that doesn't mean that I was familiar with it. To be honest, I had no more than the basic skills when it comes to programming, digital stories or anything else which involves a computer.
So I was really curious, willing to learn more and expand my knowledge so I could share it with my children. Because nowadays we use a lot of technology in our classes. It becomes more and more important to have these capacities.

At the begining I was a little bit afraid that I couldn't do it because I only knew how to put on the computer. But the professor started slowly, so we could all get used to it.
My purpose was just to feel comfortable with everything around technology and digital aspects.

I really liked the course because I have learned a lot. Making stories by using Pixton was my favorite thing to do. And the funny thing was that I was actually very good in using Pixton. It was not that difficult as I expected it to be. You can make so many different things with Pixton, there is no end to it. It is also very useful for me as a teacher. My students can make stories and they can be creative and that is what education is all about. Learning how to be different, creative and how they can express themselves. 

Also the time when we shared our stories about the typical problems in our country was very interesting. Because I had no idea of what was going on in other countries. That also is something I can use in my future class. Because nowadays we have more and more other nationalities in each class and that is why it is important to have some kind of knowledge about every culture. 
We have to learn how to cooperate with each other. And this course was a great example of cooperating with each other. Excepting each other for who they are and were they come from.
I loved it! 

Our final assignment was also one of my favorites. Actually it was a process of making a digital stories which I loved. It all started when we had to pick a picture, than write a story about the picture. After the story we had to make a video of it. Obviously I chose to create the pictures with Pixton because I love the program. Afterward I collected my pictures which I made with Pixton and than throw it into a video. That was something I had never done before. Making videos and adding sounds and music and details, it was really joyful to make something like that. 

And once again, this process is something I can use in the future. I will definetly use it as an assignment for my students. I can also let them choose a picture, let them write a story about it and than making a video of it. They can make whatever they want, they can be creative and express themselves. What can a teacher ask for more? 

In summary, this was my favorite course of all and I would choose it again if I could!
I learned a lot and I also found out that I am capable to do things which I never would expected me to do. I will miss this course but I will remember it forever. 


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