
Performing arts : Final reflection

It all started when I got the opportunity to go on Erasmus. In the beginning I was very enthousiastic about going to another country, learn how to live there and going to school.  After a while I started doubting about it. I don't know why but I suddenly felt fear of not being able to manage it on my own for so long. I also couldn't image myself, leaving everyone and everything behind. I gave up and let it go.  At the end of last year, I received a phone call from my teacher, who said that if I would change my mind of going on Erasmus, it still was possible to sign in. Than I started to think about it again and now we are here. :)  At the first day of school I was very nervous. I didn't know what to expect and how the other Erasmus people would be like, same for the teachers. I knew that it was going to be different than my school in Belgium but still, I was a little bit scared.  But once i arrived and saw the teachers and the others students, I felt really relieved.

Photos Sports, leisure and culture


Typical differences between Portugal and Belgium


Take a look in the Portugese language

Take a look at the history of the Portugese language  At the roots, Portuguese is a Latin language, with different layers of nomadic influences and of the inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula. Of all other Latin languages, Portuguese seems the most similar to Spanish. As the two languages ​​are grown from similar cultures and have had almost the same influences over the years. In fact, a Portuguese can easily understand what a Spaniard says and vice versa, although there are some obvious differences between the two languages, especially in pronunciation of words, spelling, and so forth. The similarities between Portuguese and Spanish are not over yet. Both languages ​​had their Golden Age during the colonial era, where explorers from both countries explored the new countries of South America and founded large communities. The Spaniards colonized areas that form part of Argentina and Mexico today, and Portuguese settlers came to land in present Brazil. Therefore, Portuguese is still

Santuàrio de Nossa Senhora do Cabo Espichel

Santuàrio de Nossa Senhora do Cabo Espichel Do Cabo Espichel is a cape located in the west of Sesimbra. This is a very touristic place because of the breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean and because of the beautiful surrounding landscapes.  Besides the scenery and the sea view, this place is also famous for a sanctuary complex.Very close to the edge of the high cliffs, there is a complex, including a church that is still used nowadays. In the past, the cape was used as a defense of Portugal. When the country came to a quieter waterside, a sanctuary was built. This sanctuary was dedicated to Nossa Senhora do Cabo.  The church was built in 1701, with the cloister pendants on both sides, where the pilgrims were previously taken.  When you enter the church, you can still find some important artistic pieces. For example, you can find the main altar with the image of Senhora do Cabo, the paintings in perspective on the ceiling and the paintings

Castelo de Sesimbra

Castelo de Sesimbra  Besides the golden beaches and the deep blue sea, Sesimbra has many other things to offer. Immediately noticeable when you enter Sesimbra, is the huge Castelo de Sesimbra, which occupies almost all of the hill around the small town. The castle is classified as a National Monument. It is one of the last remaining castles near the sea in Sesimbra. Until today, this castle has been kept quite well. The castle dates from the 12th century and was originally from the Moors. When the Moorish castle was captured in 1165 by the first king of Portugal, D. Alfonso Henriques, the castle came in hands of the Portuguese. However, this didn't last long because the Moors took revenge much later and conquered the castle back at their turn. It was only in the 13th century that it returned to the Portuguese by a revival of the new king of Portugal, D. Sancho I. This king donated the castle to the Order of Santiago so that they would repopulate and defend them. That way,

De Queijo de Azeitao

De Queijo de Azeitao After many generations, this cheese has become a real delicacy in Setubal. The famous Portugese cheese is made of raw sheep's milk. The cheese curd comes form the Cynara Carduculus, also known as the cardboard plant. This means that the cheese is completely vegetarian.  The history of Azeitao cheese, dates from 1830 when a man named Gaspar Henriques de Paiva, moved form Monsanto to Azeitao. He was a farmer who had many sheep in his hometown. In Monsanto he met Castelo Branco, a cheese maker who had sheep of the same breed as Gaspar. The mil of this breed was used in the preparation of the cheese. Castelo, the cheese maker, taught Gaspar all the secrets of the cheese production. Later, when Gaspar moved to Azeitao, he taught the sheperds of Azeitao the secrets of the production process. The cheese became a very big succes, passed over from generation to generation, making it the most famous cheese of Azeitao. The cheese production process has a lot of