Digital story : Video of our story about the picture

Our professor showed us all kinds of different pictures. She told us to pick one. Afterwards she asked us if we could make a story about the picture which we had chosen.
I chose a flamingo, so I created a story about an ostrich who wants to be a flamingo. I chose to make a story with a moral in it. My moral was that it doesn't matter were you come from, or how you look because everyone is beautiful en good just the way they are. 

I decided to create something about this moral because I had some issues about my self-esteem in the past. And I had to learn how to be happy with who I am and the way I look. Even though it's not always easy, I am happier than I was before. I accepted myself for who I am and it made me a totally different person than who I was before. 

So after the story which we had to write, we also had to transform it into a digital story. 
And this is my result. 
I made a short movie of the story and I hope you will enjoy it! :) 

With this QR-code, you can easily find my video online. 

This is how it al started:
First i made the story on paper before i made a video of it. 


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