English poem

Sometimes  the big world feels like an olive tree,
He moves by the wind, he is free.
He is happy if tourists enjoy his view
His movements and his olives.

I’m happy, I found myself a home.
But sometimes he feels lonely.
He’s stuck, and he can’t move.

He want’s to discover, to see the world,
get to know other cultures,
travelling to other human city’s
to see the small things life can give.

Sometimes the big world feels like an olive tree.
Stuck at the same place,

The place where death can tear us apart.

The poem is inspired by several words we got from other students.
We all had to bring one poem in our native language. After reading it out loud, we had to choose the two strongest words of the poem. Every time someone said his words, the teacher wrote them down.

When we all had chosen our words, he told us that we could take a look at these words and write a poem about it. You could write anything you wanted, as long as every word came in your poem. 

This is my result of writing a poem for the very first time. 


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