Living in Portugal vs. living in Belgium

Wat is the difference between living in Belgium and living in Portugal?

Portugese people enjoy life. That is not really a task because they have a good climate, good food, beautiful cities and beautiful nature unlike Belgium. But in Portugal, the crisis caused a lot of damage. A property crash with an average depreciation of more than 35% and an unemployment rate of 18%, even 50% for young people.
Let us compare some things:
1. Prices
Portugal is on average 34% cheaper than Belgium. The rent prices are even lower than half. In addition, you pay 40% less for groceries. So, you can live cheap in Portugal if you want to.
2. Income and capital
Against those low prices, there are also low wages and a lot of unemployment. This results in an average net family income of 18 000 euros a year. That is more than 30% lower than with us. The average capital per family is even 70% lower than in Belgium.
3. Environment
In terms of the environment, Portugal will be better off. That is logical; vast natural areas, less big cities and as many inhabitants for a country that is 3 times as big as Belgium.
4. Residential comfort
In terms of living comfort, Belgians and Portuguese are equally alike. There is as much access to sanitary and utility facilities. The only difference is that in Portugal, people live smaller than in Belgium. One has to do 1.6 rooms per person in a house, while 2.2 room in Belgium.
5. Education
Portugese people have to go to school for about 17 years. That is more than 1 year less than the Belgians. And international comparisons show that the quality of education is less good than in Belgium.
6. Health
Portugese people live on average 81 years. As long as the Belgians do. But in Portugal, people are more likely to suffer from diseases and chronic conditions. Only 46,1% claims to be in a good health, compared to 74,3% of the people in Belgium.


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